Well ... this isn’t exactly how we planned our Monday to go. 🚑 🏥 👩⚕️
Reid got to have his first ambulance ride from Children’s in Plano to Dallas campus. He’s had a cold for a few days and last night his oxygen level was too low. He was admitted to the Cardiac ICU with RSV and parainfluenza viruses. He feels awful and it’s just pitiful 😭
He’s stable but requiring oxygen. We would love your prayers for rest and recovery. This is the ugly side of having congenital heart disease. We never limit him and take him everywhere to do everything with our big kids. He just can’t tolerate illnesses like healthy children can. It truly breaks our hearts. It’s not fair. He doesn’t deserve this. This is just one of those sobering moments that reminds us of the reality we live in.
Help us storm heaven with big prayers to our big God! From the very beginning we want to honor the Lord every step of this journey with Reid. We don’t know what his future holds but we believe in the One who does!