Many say….
“I can’t imagine.”
“I could never handle that”
“I don’t know how you do that”
Truth is I can’t imagine it either and no I don’t handle it well. There are moments that I don’t know how much I can handle.”
But God!
He steps in. It’s moments when our faith is tested that reveal where our hope is. It’s moments like these I realize that I tend to live in my own strength rather than fully depending on the Lord.
Some of the sweetest times I have had with the Lord have been in the most difficult moments. It’s the moments I truly see God for who he is. When I feel the peace that he promises.
One thing I have realized is that I need God’s word. It’s the sole source of truth in this world of craziness and suffering. It centers me. It grounds my anxious thoughts and halts all the ‘what ifs’.
In John 6, verse 63 it says…. “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.”
Jesus’ words are life.
I challenge you to spend just a few minutes at the start of your day in his word.
I have to write it down. Post it on my mirror. Meditate over it. And then many times tell Satan he’s a jerk and he can’t have my thoughts today!
There’s a reason scripture says to “hide his word in your heart”. This is how you fight the spiritual battle, the war waged on your soul. The enemy is waiting to pounce on you when you’re down.
So be ready. Write his words down. Recite them. Memorize them. God will work in this space. He will strengthen you. He strengthens me. He is the only way I can do hard things.
Remember, nothing can separate you from the love of God (Rom 8:38-39).
Hold fast to the word of life (Philippians 2:16)
After you have suffered, God will restore and strengthen you (1 Peter 5:10).
Jesus, it’s all for you.
