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Writer's pictureHolly Tomlin

The first picture..

November is #nationaladoptionawarenessmonth and I would love nothing more than to share our #adoptionstory.

This was the very first picture I ever took of Reid. He was only a few weeks old and recovering from his first open heart surgery. I snapped this to show my colleagues how cute his hair looked.

For those who don’t know- we adopted Reid almost 2 years ago. We brought him home in April of 2017 as his foster to adopt family. Reid was a patient of mine who has very serious heart disease. His birth parents made a very brave decision to terminate their parental rights and give him up for adoption. My heart breaks at how hard this must of been but I have zero doubt it was the best thing and ultimately saved his life. They have no idea who has him or how he’s doing. They just were definitely not in a place to care for him, or even themselves. I thank them for that brave choice to give their son life.

When I took this picture I had no idea that this baby would one day be mine. It would be another month or so of fighting for him as his nurse practitioner before the Lord would whisper to me that he was to be mine.

I love looking at this picture. It’s a reminder of how the Lord is always working behind the scenes to create a beautiful story in and through our lives. This is not anything I could I have imagined or created. Only God! I can’t wait to share more of our story with you this month. Adoption is a beautiful picture of God’s love for us. It is not for everyone, but he calls some to this journey and you never know when he may whisper to you.

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