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Writer's pictureHolly Tomlin


O the Blood- Gateway Worship (Kari Jobe) O the blood of Jesus washes me O the blood of Jesus shed for me What a sacrifice that saved my life Yes, the blood it is my victory Savior Son Holy One Slain so I can live See the Lamb The Great I Am Who takes away my sin O the blood of the lamb O the blood of the lamb O the blood of the lamb The precious blood of the lamb What a sacrifice that saved my life Yes the blood, it is my victory. O what love, no greater love Grace how can it be That in my sin Yes even then He shed His blood for me Thank you for blood. Thank you for your love. Thank you Lord. My love of music started as a child. As long as I can remember back. My Daddy loves music, he always has. That love transposed into my life as well. Anything from hymns, gospel music to the Eagles and the Doobie Brothers and then the soundtrack from Urban Cowboy. Every road trip we ever took was a full on singing event. We would belt out songs with such passion. My mom who isn't a big singer would just sit and listen to my dad, sister and I take turns singing our hearts out. Passion. Love of music deeply embedded into our souls. I am so thankful for this passion. Singing and listening to music is the way I connect on a deep level with the Lord. I find it hard to sit still and quiet for long periods of time. But, the Lord speaks to me so clearly through music. The song "O the Blood" sung by Kari Jobe is a special one for our family. Last Christmas, my sister and I repurposed my parents’ dining room furniture. Hours of painting away. Such a sweet time of fellowship. Of course, my dad brought his iPod out to the garage to play his music. I can't even begin to guess how many songs he has on his iTunes list. This song played on his phone and my sister and I just sang away. I have yet to listen to this song one time without being overcome by emotion. It is truly one that just brings up so many emotions... Thankfulness to my Jesus for the sacrifice he gave for me. I am so undeserving of this gift. The beauty of the words; how it describes his grace and how it washes over me. In this season of life, I sing it just as loud, but with a completely different heart. With a heart full of thankfulness to my Jesus who has given me victory. Not only for my sin. But victory over cancer. In that I don't even mean complete healing. Even though statistically I should be completely healed with treatment, the Lord could choose to not heal me. Nothing in life is certain. I truly grasp the understanding of this verse... “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 The Lord loves me. He loves you. He chose us long before we ever chose him or knew anything about him. We have a special purpose on this earth. Every single one of us. It so different in each of our lives. But every life has meaning. Nothing is without purpose. The thing that gives me the most hope is knowing and believing nothing can separate me from his love. Not cancer. Nothing. I believe someone else needs to hear this truth today. Nothing can separate you either. Addiction. Cancer. Loss of loved one. Abortion. Adultery. Lies. Pride. Greed. Gluttony. For most people, these sins are secrets too. In this place, the enemy uses these secrets to destroy us. To isolate us leaving us with feelings of guilt, defeat, loneliness, worthlessness, hopelessness. The Lord never intended us to be stuck in this place. Those feelings are lies the enemy has us all believe. As this song says, the blood is our victory. Jesus shed his blood; He gave his life so these sins would never have victory over us. Grace is defined as the free and unmerited favor of God. Salvation. Freedom. None of us deserve grace. That is what is so beautiful about it. Nothing we can ever do will earn us salvation.  That's why it's a gift. We can never “earn” this gift. So many people don't believe it can be this easy; but it is. So many have turned away from Christianity because some groups get caught so up in rules and legalism. Legalism is when people put law above gospel by establishing requirements for salvation (Wikipedia). There are no requirements for salvation other than believing the gospel of Jesus Christ and that He came and died in place of us to forgive our sins. Simple truth. There is a difference in being religious and truly having a relationship with Jesus. There are so many “religious” people on this earth that sadly will never know what a true relationship with Jesus is like.  This relationship brings true freedom. Believing this truth and accepting this gift will bring freedom. Hence, the blood, it is our victory. I am celebrating this truth today. As I sitting here enjoying this unseasonably cool September morning. My neighbors can probably hear this song playing on my speakerphone if they listen closely. I am preparing to start my third and final round of chemo on Monday. This brings about excitement and anxiety all the same time. Celebration that it's almost done. Anxiety at the hard days I know I will face this week. But today, I am celebrating the life of Jesus and the victory I have in him. I am thanking him for his blood. Thank you Jesus. You've already won this battle for me. I don't have to do anything but thank you and rest in you. You are bigger than cancer. You are bigger than anything we could ever face. You are enough. Jesus, it's all for you.

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